Radio Free Tobias: Anonymous protests Scientology center in Columbus

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Anonymous protests Scientology center in Columbus

Ok, I don't have any real information about this, but my friend Adam called to tell me there was a protest at the Columbus Scientology center at High Street yesterday (if you click on the link you'll notice its description has been doctored a little.)

Apparently it was members of Anonymous and they were all wearing Guy Fawkes masks. The above picture is from the Project Chanology entry in Wikipedia.

I couldn't get around to getting down there, but here are some Anonymous/Scientology Youtube videos from a few months ago for your perusal.

If you don't know what Anonymous is (and I'm not entirely sure... not nearly nerdy enough), it's basically a loose conglomeration of interent nerds who like to antagonize people. They're loosely responsible for Rick Rolling and a ton of stupid internet Memes. They're related to 4chan somehow and despite being a Wikipedia addict, I've never really invested the emotional energy to figure out how.

As with most Internet-only things, it's really convoluted. It's definitely an interesting story, but I can tell you it hasn't' gotten any local media coverage because the Dispatch and its readership has only faintly heard rumors about the Internet existing. Speaking as someone who has been frustrated by reporting technology issues for the Dispatch, the effort it would take to explain to the Dispatch's audience (old people) the subtle differences between /b, Anonymous, and 4chan would require a little more ink than the story deserves.

Not to mention it has nothing to do with sex maniacs sodomizing each others' children or girls bearing their breasts on Facebook or whatever.

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