Radio Free Tobias: Cory Gowan leaves Communique

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Cory Gowan leaves Communique

Keyboaridst Cory Gowan has left Lookout Records band Communique (formerly known as American Steel). According to Communique bassist John:

His decision was based on a desire to take a break from playing music, not on any personal or creative conflicts, and we all remain good friends. Being in a constantly touring band can be a thankless job, and we understand Cory’s decision and wish him the best.

Taking over will be Steve Loewinsohn of The Cost, also a lookout band.

Cory is not of the original American Steel lineup, but has found a place in my heart and will be missed. Communique is currently recording some material that may eventually become a full-length album, although who knows how that will go given Lookout's current financial situation.

That photo is out of date (pictured on the right is old drummer Eric Alexander) but apperantly the band has purged the internet of all their old promo group shots. Cory can be seen second from the left.

Communique - Cross Your Heart.mp3

Communique - Roses Are Black.mp3


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