Radio Free Tobias: RFT Lifts Off

Monday, November 07, 2005

RFT Lifts Off

Well, it's not so much a liftoff, but it's a bit of a bon voyage.

Radio Free Tobias is still a work in progress, but it's more and more resembling a "legitimate" blog (whatever that means. I've taken to expanding operations a smidge. Here are some interesting things going on with RFT:

Team Columbus!, the Ohio blog recently announced the creation of RFT... albeit a months or so late, but I really wouldn't want anyone looking at RFT a month or two ago. Now it's ok, but it's still kind of like pulling out the old naked baby photos. (Now I might get some hits to my blog by people searching for naked baby photos. That's an interesting distinction)

Anyways, these gentlemen, while my sworn bitter rival as the equivalent of a monster behemoth corporation (in the painfully obscure world of Columbus music blogs), run a tight ship and I appriciate the publicity.

I don't know if there's any sort of judicial process in the selection, but I've been accepted as a writer at This, at least, will serve to get RFT some attention, and may also land me some free stuff.

I've optimized the feeds for both RFT content and the RFT podcast, thanks to Feedburner. Feel free to subscribe in the sidebar on the right, and if you're already subscribed, I would appreciate it if you would re-subscribe so I could better track my reader/listenership.

Speaking of the RFT podcast, I have applied for a show license at WOBN for Radio Free Tobias to be a weekly radio broadcast in the Columbus area on 101.5 FM. My future co-hosts, Stephen and Mallory, and I, are looking foward to working together. Recordings of these shows are likely to be uploaded to the RFT podcast directory.

And finally, although the folks at Oddity of the Mind have been very nice to host my podcast files, I am seeking to syndicate Radio Free Tobias to its own URL in the future (as necessitated by webtraffic). The more you download, the more you push RFT towards getting out on its own two feet. Feel free to do so!

Thanks, readers. This will be the only 'state of the blog' post for quite some time.


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