Radio Free Tobias: Fine Dining - Debutantes and Dilletantes

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fine Dining - Debutantes and Dilletantes

An interesting aspect of indie-rock, particularly on a more local level, is that members of bands which play the music are often relics from college days of times past. That's why it's particularly refreshing to hear a type of music, which is most typically marketed to college kids, played (well) by college kids.

It is worth pointing out that the members of Fine Dining, currently members of both The Ohio State University and Ohio University, are all set to graduate this coming spring. Perhaps this makes them collegemen, although I'm not really sure where the age cut-off happens.

After indeed "co-opting the Columbus and Athens markets" as my counterpart Stephen pointed out, locals Fine Dining have recently released their debut full-length album Debutantes and Dilettantes to a fair amount of acclaim in local circuits. After procuring gigs at Elbo's and the Grog Shop and some favorable local press, it seems Fine Dining is on track for a five-year success plan (interestingly enough, probably by this point becoming college-rock relics themselves).

Jaded, aging hipsters will have a pretty easy go naming off influences (and maybe counting them off on two hands) as Fine Dining compositions invoke The Strokes, The Shins, Wilco, Braid, The New Pornographers, etc. While borrowing from all of these, they manage to forge ahead with a sound of their own. Combining catchy melodies and distorted guitars with time signatures, keys, and rhyme schemes that can change on a dime, the proceedings are fairly mathematical.

Debutantes and Dilletantes features some clever wordplay, this bit from the track 'Stranded':
As my thoughts began to wonder, I found my mind's eye set on you, and I smiled/ but when I stepped outside I found myself beguiled / at the treacherous conditions in the wild.
That might be iambic pentameter or something; I imagine the English majors of Fine Dining could clue me in.

The production has a lo-fi quality which sounds somewhat contrived, but is conducive to the garage-y atmosphere they are attempting to provide. These songs are best when they aren't trying too hard, and it seems like Fine Dining accidentally does this from time to time.

It's exciting to hear a band possibly headed for success in their fledgling days, as the Fine Dining boys have released a fine record full of energy and charisma. Mild shortcomings don't derail what is a clever and spirited ride.

Debutantes and Dilettantes won't shock you, but it will catch you off guard from time to time. And you'll probably smile when it does.

Fine Dining - Rattlin' The Bricks.mp3
Fine Dining - Here Comes the Warm Jet.mp3

Fine Dining's official website


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very nice review.

3:33 PM  

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