Radio Free Tobias: Best Records of 2007 (So Far)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Best Records of 2007 (So Far)

So, I am now in the unique position of being music director of WOBN, my friendly local college radio station.

This is terrific because it puts me in the position to directly receieve pretty much all of the new music I would ever want. This would put me in a great place as far as blogging goes -- I could write about all the newest stuff you wanna hear about.

However that puts me in the ethically troubling position of writing about music that is being promoted to me through another field. However, let's assume that pretty much all music has a push behind it. All that ethical stuff aside, I pretty much have no free time due to the demands of college.

Ok, Ok, boooring. I know. Here's the good stuff. Here are some of my favorite records this year (in no particular order):

Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Ted Leo - Living With the Living
Bang Gang - Something Wrong
Avett Brothers - Emotionalism
Dead Heart Bloom - Chelsea Diaries
Thee More Shallows - Book of Bad Breaks
Low - Drums & Guns
Dungen - Tio Bitar
The One AM Radio - This Too, Shall Pass
Feist - The Reminder

God, this has been such a great year so far!


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