Radio Free Tobias: CD Jungle benefit show in Mansfield

Monday, January 23, 2006

CD Jungle benefit show in Mansfield

Well, I'm not really at liberty to talk about this in an objective way since I was involved. I was taking money at the door and couldn't really pay attention to any of the fun. But that won't stop me from mentioning it.

The annual CD Jungle benefit show for the Mansfield Domestic Violence show was yesterday evening. There were several Mansfield-area bands/artists such as Sir Rob Allen's Tintern Abbey, The Lexington Chapter, Steev Richter and Tears for Fears (as I've dubbed his stage band) featuring the Scooder, Wreck of the Hesperus, and Duff Duff.

I think that they represented. The actual level of talent present I think speaks well for my adopted hometown.

As far as Columbus types go, Eric Metronome also entertained, and Bel Auburn impressed me.

Manager Jason Z. also impressed me when he ran off a kid no less than THREE times for "funny business".

Plus, a ton of money and canned goods were collected for a good cause. Ain't a thing wrong with that.


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