Radio Free Tobias: Scott Stapp back on the wagon?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Scott Stapp back on the wagon?

This confirms many of my suspicions. Stapp admitted in a Rolling Stone interview he spent much of the time prior to Creed breaking up drunk and freaked out of his mind on drugs. This really explains a lot, specifically the delusions of grandeur.

But he didn't stop drinking. One evening, after polishing off a bottle of Jack Daniel's, he removed two firearms from his collection. "An MP5 SD3 and an MP5 K," he says. "Machine guns. They're what SWAT teams use." Since the Chicago show, he hadn't spoken to anyone from Creed. He'd become convinced that everyone involved with the band wanted him to die, so that he would become a "Kurt Cobain martyr-type" and boost record sales. "I had crazy thoughts going through my head," he says.

I'm not really into the whole mass-media thing, but what a head case.


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